Pluggable Transports content in 7 new languages

Edited on March 18 to add translator credits

To better serve our international community of developers, we have launched new content on this site in seven additioanl languages. We’ve started with the comic strip and introductory paragraph that people see when accessing the site, and also our Getting Started guide. The languages we have chosen are: Spanish, Turkish, Russian, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Farsi and Arabic.

The translation efforts were provided by Localization Lab, whose network of translators and reviewers worked quickly and efficiently to deliver great content across all languages. While there were some difficult words and concepts to tackle, we’re all really pleased with the end results, and thank Localization Lab for doing such amazing work.

While much of our documentation is still in English, we hope that this move will make Pluggable Transports accessible and understandable for a much wider group of people. To access our Getting Started guide in languages other than English, you can click the languge button on the front page of our site, or on the first page of any of the Getting Started guides.

Language Translator Reviewer
Arabic   Layla Taha, Mahda 19
Chinese (Simplified) mik ff98sha
Chinese (Traditional) jxtsai ff98sha
Farsi Mehr@ban Saba Rostami, ASL19
Russian   Diana Azaryan
Spanish Javier Balcedo Antonela
Turkish Orhan Yalçin (FalconTR06); Merve Öztürk; T.E. Kalayci Kaya Zeren

We would like to thank all of the translators and reviewers for helping us to improve the site and bring our content to a multilingual global audience, as well as their additional efforts in troubleshooting the content as it was made live: