The current draft specification is based on the PT 1.0 specification and the Pluggable Transports Work in Progress. It also contains the Pluggable Transports Go API and Pluggable Transport UDP Support. Additionally, it includes feedback from the workshop on those proposals. If you want to contribute to the development of the spec, visit this page on Github

The Tor Project authored the original Pluggable Transports specification for use in the tor network environment.

In 2015 and 2016 and 2017, a series of meetings of current transport developers and implementers circumvention tools met to determine broader, community requirements on what would be useful in a revised Pluggable Transports specification. These led to three proposals:

Based on community feedback from these proposals, they were merged in to a new draft specification: Pluggable Transports Specification, Version 2, Draft 3.

You can also view the previous Pluggable Transports Specification, Version 2, Draft 1. and Pluggable Transports Specification, Version 2, Draft 2.